1) Keywords and Your Niche Different content shows different Ads. Some topics and niche automatically attract high CPC AdSense Ads. Including certain Topics and keywords in your Blog posts can make the difference. Advertisers make their budget allocation according to keywords so as to show the Ads to a select audience. For some keywords the demand is pretty high and Advertisers pay accordingly. Start with Google Adwords Keyword Planner. Before you start writing a post, find out the related keywords that pay higher using the Keyword Planner. Write about or include them in your blog posts trying to place them at the very start, in the URL and the Title. Google Adsense bots scan the content of your posts before displaying ads, as they find the valuable keywords, Google
AdSense serves ads accordingly. Tip : Don’t stuff keywords Google is pretty smart. Cons : Low Search Engine Traffic Don’t just use the high value keywords, mix them up with the low paying ones also. High paying keywords have high competition so ranking on search pages gets difficult. Write what you know and like to write, but keep in mind about high paying keywords and include them in
few places at the start. Promote your Blog to get more traffic. Don’t forget the basic SEO principles.
2. Advertisers Preview Look at your Blog post from the Advertisers preview. Ask some questions to yourself. Who will advertise on your niche/topic? How big is the market? What is the costo of the product that will be Advertised? Think from the Advertisers preview and present your content accordingly. Don’t lose the balance between presenting content for the Advertiser and your Visitors.
A fine balance can give great results. Try to make content that is associated with high value, fast-moving products. Example : So if you have a fashion Blog that reviews top brand cosmetics you will get the high CPC Ads from Google. If you’re writing about some free tools or a free product then its sure to get the lowest CPC Ads, as no advertiser will pay to show Ads to people who have come looking for free stuff.
3. Display and Text Ads. Some Blogger like keep their Blogs plain and don’t display Rich Media Ads. My advise would be show both Display and Text Ads that AdSense offers. Make it presentable for the visitor as well as the Advertiser. Text ads are mostly low CPC Ads.
4. Placement of AdSense Ads
Always place the best Ad slot at the top of the page where a visitor is able to see them without scrolling down the page. Place the code at the top in your HTML pages as Google serves high CPC AdSense ads that load first when a page loads.
Making it simple, just compare it to a newspaper. A front page Ad is always costly than the ad on page 10.
6. Reduce Accidental Clicks on AdSense Ads The one rule to remember with Google AdSense is “Google is Smart”. Don’t try to blend Ads too much. Let the visitors know that it’s an Ad and let them click only if the Ad interests them. Accidental clicks are known to Google. If an Ad is clicked and the Ad window is closed immediately Google knows it. Google automatically responds with lower CPC Ads on that Ad slot. To get higher CPC Ads place your Ads to be seen and then clicked. There are also other factors that affect your Adsense earnings that you should check out. Last Words
– Don’t forget the Basics Keep producing high quality content Write for you and your readers Generate good traffic from search engines Don’t’ put all ads in one place Don’t try all money making methods at a time Experiment the ad positions and colors but don’t over do it again and again Don’t blog for money.
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